The Right Trainer Makes a World of Difference

Our careers require us to push for progress and keep up with the times, but we understand it’s not always easy. Here at Volt Edge, we strive to make your training experience with us personal and of quality.

Privacy Statement

Volt Edge Pty Ltd will ensure that it respects the privacy of students, prospective students and employers by implementing the National Privacy Principles.

The National Privacy Principles (NPPs) in the Privacy Act (Privacy Amendment (Private Sector) Act 2000) sets out how private sector organisations should collect, use, keep secure and disclose personal information. The principles give individuals a right to know what information an organisation holds about them and a right to correct that information if it is wrong.

Volt Edge Pty Ltd will ensure that it operates consistently with the National Privacy Principles and only collects the personal information that is necessary for the conduct of our business, and that we will use that information in the manner for which it was intended.

Students will have access to all information we hold on them, and we will store and use the information appropriately and limit access to only those who have a legal reason to have access to that information, or whom the student has given permission.

Student information will not be provided to anyone else unless we have the permission from the student or are specifically allowed or required to provide the information by law.

For example student information is only given to the following bodies where required:

DET Department of Education & Training QLD

STA State Training Authorities

Employers where the student is an Employee

Student will sign an Authority to Release Form (Form ARI) that authorises release of their details.

All employer information obtained will be treated as “commercial in confidence” whether so marked or not.

Volt Edge Pty Ltd collects personal information solely for the purpose of operating as a Registered Training Organisation under the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) administered by the Commonwealth Government who is the registered authority. The requirements of the registering authority may mean the release of your personal information for the purposes of audit.

Under the National Privacy Principles you can access your personal information and you may request corrections of information that is incorrect or out of date. Students who request access to their information will be given full access to the details they want. No cost will be charged for them accessing their information.

While you are undertaking your training program, there will be times when Volt Edge Pty Ltd and/or its Training Consultant, Business Development Consultant or Administration Officer may need to discuss your situation with others.

Volt Edge Pty Ltd will appoint a staff member responsible for the management and updates to the Privacy Policy, this person will be the Training Director.

Volt Edge Pty Ltd is required to ask for your permission in writing with reference to release of information, a form titled “Authority to Release Information” (Form ARI), will need to be signed prior to the course starting.

Students have rights to access their student records – Information Release (form IRF). For access to records, the student must meet with the Training Manager and provide identification (such as license, passport) before being supplied information.