High Voltage Recipients
Course Description
The High Voltage Recipient course or HV Recipient course (also known as Control permit to work) is designed for students to receive and manage High Voltage permit systems.
The student is normally an Electrician, but non Electrical personnel can complete the High Voltage recipient course and receive a Statement of Attainment once deemed competent.
This person, once familiarised with your site, can be signed off to receive access and test permits in a High Voltage installation, manage the process and then surrender when finished the HV work, as part of a High Voltage switching procedure or program. The training course will have a practical component if using an access system to plan, complete and manage a HV permit system. This is competed on two occasions once using Volt Edge permit systems and then once using your own permit systems.
Content Delivery
The assessment and practical can be completed and submitted online at your own pace with access to site and a supervisor who holds the unit of competency.
Students are required to have a supervisor and be working in the field to finalise the practical component of the course.
If you don’t have a supervisor on-site, you can book a session at one of our training centers to complete your practical component for an additional fee of $175 (GST free)
Upon successful completion, students will have the skills to:
→ Receive the access permit / test permit from the switching officers.
→ Manage the work group.
→ Manage the working earth.
→ Complete the appropriate paper work correctly.
→ Ensure the work group has signed off and surrender the permit to switching officers.
To download the course flyer, click here.
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Skills obtained

If you know what to look for, you can work smarter, safer and be more productive.

Compile and produce appropriate documentation of work operations.

Determine likelihoods and consequences to implement appropriate procedures.

Apply communication and leadership skills to a team environment and work place operations.