Apply Work Health & Safety in the electrotechnology workplace

  • Accredited course.
  • Delivered online self-paced.
  • UEECD0007 – Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

Apply Work Health and Safety

Course Description

This course involves the skills and knowledge to apply work health and safety (WHS) regulations and codes of practices in the electrotechnology workplace.

We cover applying safe working practices, following workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control.


UEECD0007 – Apply work health and safety regulations, codes and practices in the workplace

Content Delivery

Online self-paced.

Upon successful completion of this course, students will have the skills covering:

Prepare to enter an electrotechnology workplace

Apply safe electrotechnology working practices

Follow electrotechnology workplace procedures for hazard identification and risk control

  applying relevant work health and safety (WHS)/occupational health and safety (OHS) regulations, legislation, codes of practices and procedures in the workplace, including:

  • identifying typical hazards associated with work environments and assessing risk/s in an electrotechnology workplace
  • applying and reviewing risk control measures to minimise, control or eliminate identified hazards
  • reporting hazards to relevant person/s
  • applying safe working practices/methods
  • contributing to WHS/OHS consultative processes

  following relevant workplace emergency management procedures and instructions relating to WHS/OHS and emergency incidents
  selecting and using appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE)
  applying correct manual handling techniques
  confirming (safe) isolation of an electrical supply and isolation of potential electrical and non-electrical hazards has been completed by an authorised person
  demonstrating safe methods of removing an electric shock victim from a live electrical situation
  selecting an appropriate ladder for a given situation and performing a safety check before use
  completing relevant WHS/OHS documentation.

To download the course flyer, click here.

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